conversation XV / 28/11/12

Michael Meier/Christoph Franz (*1980/1982, live and work in Zurich)

Tour # 1

Zurich and its context of urban building acts as dialogue partner in the talk set up by Michael Meier and Christoph Franz. Working together since 2007 the artists are interested in the transformation of urban spaces and the interstices, emerging in those processes of alterations. On a tour to several places in Zurich they put up for discussion their fascination for such 'terrains vagues'.

Wednesday, November 28 2012, 7pm–10pm 

Ignasi de Solà-Morales Rubió, Terrain Vague. In: Anyplace, hrsg. von Cynthia C. Davidson, Cambridge/MA 1995. S. 118-123.
Philip Ursprung, Waiting Lands. Planning and historical space. In: Situation KCAP, Architects and Planners, hrsg. von v. Kees Christiaanse/Erica Bol/Ute Schneider, Basel/Boston/Berlin 2005. S. 205.